Friday, May 6, 2011

Advantages and Disadvantages of Synchronous Learning

Synchronous Advantages:
Other than when videoconferencing is used, the student can participate in class discussions from any location where he/she has online access at the time of the presentation, such as in a library, hotel, or at home. In contrast to asynchronous learning, the synchronous learning environment allows the student to feel connected to his/her classmates and the professor.  He/she can ask questions and actively participate in real-time discussions rather than posting or emailing a question and waiting for a reply

Synchronous Disadvantages:
 The student must participate at the time and date selected by the instructor. When videoconferencing is used, the student must also meet at the location where this will take place.  This is comparable to attending a lecture or class in an on-ground campus and is not geared toward the convenience of the student especially when time zone differences are involved.

 With asynchronous learning each student can participate in discussions by reading what is posted and formulating a written response.  However, in synchronous learning, more dominating students may take over discussions or less assertive students may not feel comfortable participating which is comparable to what often occurs in on-ground classes.

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